Our Products-Process

Kabri Medjool Dates Process

Selecting Farms

Prepare for Harvesting

Harvesting Process

Manual Sorting

Machine Sorting



Kabri Medjool Dates Process

Selecting Farms

Prepare for Harvesting

Harvesting Process

Manual Sorting

Machine Sorting



Kabri Medjool Dates Process


Prepare for Harvesting

Harvesting Process

Manual Sorting

Machine Sorting



Medjool Date

Dates are considered the oldest cultivated fruit in the world; ancient cultures called the date palm “the tree of life”. There are over 1,500 different date varieties grown in the world, they grow only in warm climates like Jordan, Palestine, Golf Region, California, Arizona and Florida. Medjool dates are one of the most popular, known in some countries as “the King of Dates” because of their rich caramel flavour, soft chewy texture, and biggest size among all dates. Nowadays dates are actually harvested from the date palm, cleaned, sorted and packaged right away. There’s no processing and they’re never physically or chemically dried. That’s why you’ll find them in the produce section at the grocery stores and it considered as fresh fruit.

Medjool dates Nutrition facts

Medjool dates have many benefits for human health as they contain fibre, vitamins and minerals. They are number one choice for natural nutrition, they concentrated natural source for sugar, it offers several health benefits such like enhancing heart health, high antioxidant, supports health digestion, natural source for body energy, boost brain health, support body bones and much more.



Selecting Farms

Our Dates Life Process

Prepare for Harvesting

Harvesting Process